Mountain Road, Kilmoney (townland), Carrigaline, Co. Cork

Bridgewater Homes Ltd. is applying for permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at Mountain Road, Kilmoney (townland), Carrigaline, Co. Cork.

The site, which is 12.97 hectares in area, is located to the southwest of the town of Carrigaline. The 2022 Cork County Development Plan includes the specific zoning objective: CL-R-20. This objective is to provide for residential development. The proposed development will ensure the provision of a residential development. In line with the objectives of the Cork County Development Plan. The proposed development, which qualifies as a Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprises:

§  The demolition of existing structures on site.

§  The construction of 362 no. residential units to include 318 no. dwelling houses (comprising a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed semi-detached and townhouse/terraced units) and 44 no. 2 bed apartment/duplex units,

§  1 no. creche with a community room and café

§  All associated ancillary development works including vehicular and pedestrian access, a 3m shared surface pedestrian and cycle link on the existing laneway to the east, upgrades to the L-6945-9 and L -6495-0 Mountain Road to the north and east of the site to include pedestrian crossings, traffic calming/raised tables and a 3m shared cycle/footpath facility connecting on to the R611/Kilmoney Road, drainage (including a pumping station), landscaping, amenity and open space/play areas, footpaths and cycle lanes, boundary treatments, bicycle and car parking, bin and bike storage, plant, public lighting and all other ancillary development at Mountain Road, Kilmoney (Townland), Carrigaline, Co. Cork.